ClearTech 120R tanning lamps combine several patented technologies into
a single lamp, making them the most advanced, and most powerful lamp on the planet.
Like most of our better lamps, ClearTech 120R tanning lamps use RUVA technology, where we
actually pour a reflector inside each lamp. This pushes all the UV
out the front of the lamp, and increases the total output up to 50%. Here is a
graphic that shows a cutaway view of a RUVA lamp for comparison. Comparing
RUVA and regular lamps
Left: Typical lamps emit light in all directions. Some is reflected by aluminum
reflectors. 30% to 50% is simply lost forever. Right: ClearTech 120R tanning lamps forces
all the light to exit the front of the lamp. The blue arrows indicate the extra UV that
will reflect back to you. 95% of the light reaches the tanner.
Any tanning lamp that uses a RUVA reflector will be up to 50% stronger, but the
ClearTech 120R doesn't stop there. As a matter of fact, this is just the start.
And before you ask, yes, they really do glow green when lit, it is part of the

Like the other ClearTech tanning lamps, the 120R uses patented Sol Glass in it's
construction. This is a special glass that is more transparent to ultraviolet than
regular lamp tubes. Not only does it let more total UV through, but it lets certain
frequencies pass through that all regular lamps block out. This is why your tan will
be the ultimate in "sun-like". A wider spectrum of UV means deep, dark
brown tones and never odd orange tones.
ClearTech tanning lamps use a special phosphor blend
inside that means what comes out of the lamp is more "sun-similar". You
look like you have been on the beach, with more natural looking, dark brown color. This unique
phosphor blend is why the lamps look green instead of blue.
Like all ClearTech lamps, they tan differently, and you should start with just a few
minutes of exposure. Don't wait for your skin to get red, you should cut your
sessions short enough that you don't get red hot. You should notice a difference
after just a few sessions, and a major difference in your tan within a couple of weeks.
ClearTech lamps cost more than generic
lamps, but they actually cost you less in the long run, because they last twice as long,
up to 1600 hours. Still not convinced ClearTech is the way to go? Read what our customers say!